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Unlock Your Potential: Make your dreams come true with these 10 Essential Reads!
30 Apr , 2024
By, raison d'être

Unlock Your Potential: Make your dreams come true with these 10 Essential Reads!

All of us have different dreams, - some dream of a successful life, some dream of a healthy life while some dream of traveling the world. Also, there are many who dream about a peaceful life with a healthy and happy family. With our various dreams, we often keep wondering about how to make our dreams come true. What if, if we tell you that you can shape your own dreams and make your dreams come true by reading?

Reading books train our minds, enlighten our brain cells and open our eyes. It helps you to organize your thoughts, encourage curiosity, reshape your understanding and pushes us to find our own answers. With the reshaped understanding and the curiosity in our minds, we often end up making our dreams come true without even realizing. But for that we need to read the right books because we want to avoid the GIGO phenomenon or Garbage In Garbage Out phenomenon at all costs, right? The GIGO phenomenon is basically the proven fact that if you allow your mind to take in garbage ideas, your mind will give out garbage results. So, here’s our guide to introduce you to the following 10 books that can transform your dreams into reality.

Here’s our recommendation on 10 Essential Reads to transform your dreams into reality:

1.   Dreamers Do: Walt Disney’s 10 steps to making your dreams come true – Dr. Gene Ano and Genesis Ano

Lucidly written, Dreamers Do: Walt Disney’s 10 steps to making your dreams come true is an amazing story about the great creator Walt Disney. How Disney dreamt and transformed his dreams into reality is beautifully described in 10 steps. We all dream but at some point of time, we forget to dream because of life’s trials. This book will keep your dreams alive and encourage you to make your dreams come true.

2.   Find Your Own Path: A life coach’s guide to changing your life – Fiona Buckland

A Life Coach’s guide to changing your life by Fiona Buckland will help you to work on your thought process by giving it the sense of fulfilment and meaning. It will help you to dream a purpose for your life and the compass that will steer you towards a meaningful life full of success, health, happiness and peace. The book will inspire you to make peace with your inner critics, replenish your energy, help you to make better decisions, nurture your ideas and encourage you to be resilient. The book wonderfully will transform your inner self so that you can go out and work on your outer progress and gain inner peace and happiness.

3.   Think Like A Monk – Jay Shetty

The phrase ‘to think like a monk’ means to be calm under all challenging circumstances in life and to not to lose focus. This amazing book written by famous life coach Jay Shetty will train your mind to be calm under all challenges and encourage you to find the real purpose of your life. Author Jay Shetty shares a unique perspective towards how we see our lives by sharing ancient wisdom and experiences from a monk's point of view to overcome our negativity, fine tune our clarity and confidence to elevate our inner thought process. As our inner thought process regains clarity, we can dream big to improve our life and purpose.

4.   Courage To Be Disliked, The: How to free yourself, change your life and achieve real happiness – Ichiro Kishimi Fumitake Koga

This transformative book challenges age old wisdom about happiness, personal development and relationship between two persons. The content is written in a dialogue format where a young person and a philosopher converses about life, beliefs and assumptions. While you read the book, you can explore yourself about your beliefs and perspectives through the dialogues. It promotes the idea that individuals possess the ability to select their thoughts, attitudes, and actions without being constrained by past experiences or societal expectations. This concept encourages readers to assume ownership of their happiness and liberate themselves from a mindset of victimization.

5.   Win your inner battles – Darius Foroux

 This inspirational book by Darius Foroux has the power to unlock your potential and help you realise your own dreams. From this book, you will be encouraged to conquer your own fear, explore your inner desires and can help you to confidently live your life on your own terms.

6.   Life’s Amazing Secrets – Gaur Gopal Das

Gaur Gopal Das is one of the most amazing life coaches across the world who has gained popularity because of his simple words, interesting stories backed by profound wisdom. In the book, ‘Life’s Amazing Secrets’ Gaur Gopal Das has shared wonderful ways to navigate through your life, find your purpose in life and about the ways in which you can give back to the world you live in. This thought-provoking book can help you align with your dreams and help you live your life honoring your passions.

7.   Energize Your Mind – Gaur Gopal Das

Within the pages of this book, renowned author and life coach Gaur Gopal Das delves into the intricacies of the human mind, offering insights into its functioning. Employing a blend of personal anecdotes and scholarly research, Das imparts valuable lessons on mastering our minds for improved overall wellness. Through a series of engaging exercises, meditation practices, and practical worksheets, you are equipped with the tools necessary to assume control over your mental faculties. With his guidance, you are empowered to navigate the complexities of your minds and cultivate a state of profound self-awareness and fulfillment.

8.   A New Earth – Eckhart Tolle

The book ‘A New Earth’ by Eckhart Tolle is about how you can live your life in the present moment and get beyond the ego. The important takeaways from the book are the significance of focusing on the present moment exclusively; enhancing the experience of the present by relinquishing attachments to physical forms and ego; the multifaceted nature of ego, which can act as a tool, adversary, or source of negative thoughts; embracing a perspective that views situations neutrally, recognizing that every occurrence holds deeper significance and embracing acceptance, happiness, and enthusiasm as fundamental elements of each moment, fostering a fulfilling life.

9.   Atomic Habits – James Clear

In this groundbreaking book, James Clear reveals the transformative potential of seemingly minor adjustments in daily habits. He explores a handful of straightforward life strategies, such as the often-overlooked technique of Habit Stacking, the surprising effectiveness of the Two Minute Rule, and the key to achieving optimal performance in what he terms the Goldilocks Zone. Drawing on the latest findings in psychology and neuroscience, Clears elucidates the significance of these strategies. Alongside, he shares compelling anecdotes of achievers—from Olympic champions to CEOs to esteemed scientists—who have leveraged the power of small habits to enhance productivity, motivation, and well-being. These subtle shifts promise to revolutionize not only your career and relationships but also your entire life.

10.   Ikigai by Francesc Miralles and Hector Garcia

The word ‘Ikigai’ is a Japanese word for ‘Your reason to live’.A standout aspect of this book lies in its thorough examination of ikigai, a concept deeply ingrained in Japanese culture. The authors skillfully dissect ikigai as the convergence of four essential elements: passion, proficiency, societal need, and financial viability. By delving into each of these components, the book facilitates readers in uncovering their personal ikigai, fostering a life rich in purpose and significance.
Rooted in Japanese wisdom, "Ikigai" draws inspiration from the inhabitants of Ogimi, a Japanese community renowned for its high number of centenarians. Through their experiences, the authors elucidate how individuals in Ogimi have discovered fulfillment and purpose. This book imparts invaluable wisdom and practical techniques that resonate with readers from diverse backgrounds, offering universal insights for leading a purposeful life.
We can't help but agree that there might be many more books which we couldn’t mention because we were choosing the best ones to describe in this blog. All we can say is that these books had an impact on us when we were reading them and thus thought of sharing them to you. Don’t stop dreaming big, ever!



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